Today is a very important day for Reliance Industries investors. Investors who bought Reliance Industries shares till last Friday i.e. October 25 can now buy bonus shares of RIL. Reliance Industries has already announced that it will give a bonus for each of its shares and today is the day.
Reliance Industries shares will trade without dividend
Today, Monday, October 28, 2024, Reliance Industries shares will trade without dividend. The date of its dividend is set for October 28 and the company’s share prices will start at a premium. Note that during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Reliance Industries, Chairman Mukesh Ambani announced that the additional shares would be a gift to the shareholders.
On August 29, 2024, the company announced that one new share of face value of Rs 10 will be issued to the shareholders of the company in exchange for the existing share of face value of Rs 10.
Know the main points of trading Reliance Industries shares without dividend
The company’s board has approved increasing the share capital from the current Rs 15,000 crore to Rs 50,000 crore. If you look at it this way, Reliance Industries investors will get a big gift today and their shares will double.
After the market closes on October 25, an equal number of bonus shares will be issued to investors holding Reliance Industries shares.
* Suppose a shareholder holds 100 shares of Reliance Industries, after today’s registration of the non-dividend and bonus shares, he will have 200 shares.
* Investors should remember one thing: only the number of their RIL shares will increase and there will be no change in the value of their holdings.